Micro & Nano System Laboratory

Research Interests

Gas sensing with carbon-based gas sensor.

Copolymer coated pre-concentrator
for low-concentration VOCs.

Portable drugs sensing system

using mirco GC.

Use Micro-GC to detect dangerous substances.


BMNR Lab has developed a device that can precisely measure and analyze odor components. Air-pu and Smart Chair are the latest products of BMNR LAB, which has contributed to improving the quality of life. Micro-GC, which will be released this time, is also expected to contribute to improving quality of life in relation to fine dust issues that have recently become an issue.

Micro-GC will be commercialized after several tests.



Biomedical and Nanotechnology Research Laboratory

Department of Mechanical & System Design Engineering

Hongik University

The 1st Engineering Building (K - Building)

94 Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea

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