Biomedical and Nanotechnology Research Laboratory

Keep the subject safe with the MCD.

Stay in the right position with Smart Chair.

Air-Pu lets you enjoy indoor air that's different than before.

Use Micro-GC to detect dangerous substances.


BMNR LAB has developed a device that can precisely measure and analyze odor components. Air-pu and Smart Chair are the latest products of BMNR LAB, which has contributed to improving the quality of life. Micro-GC, which will be released this time, is also expected to contribute to improving quality of life in relation to fine dust issues that have recently become an issue.

Micro-GC will be commercialized after several tests.


Biomedical and Nanotechnology Research Laboratory

Department of Mechanical & System Design Engineering

Hongik University

The 1st Engineering Building (K - Building)

94 Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea

News & Notice

기계·시스템디자인공학과 서정환 교수, 한국과학기술단체총연합회 제31회 과학기술우수논문상 수상 2021.07.29

기계공학과 심광민 박사과정, 15th Asian Conferece on Chemical Sensors (ACCS15), Poster prize 2024.12.16